Single Phase vs Three Phase Transformers
January 23, 2012DC Motor Repair or Maintenance
February 7, 2012Buy DC Drives: 5 Helpful Hints
Whether you’re a distributor in the industrial controls market needing to buy DC drives direct or have need of a particular type of drive for your plant or facility, determining what type of drive to purchase can be a little confusing. There are various types of drives depending on your application, motor horsepower ratings, drives designed to work with certain types of motors, etc. DC drives can be regenerative or non-regenerative as well, so it’s important to take your time and get to know what’s available so you can compare drives, pricing, and other important factors. No matter wha..t reason you need to buy DC drives, we’ve put together a few helpful hints to simplify the process:
1. Type of DC Drive to Purchase – Non-Regen or Regenerative Do you have a new application or need to replace an older DC drive? Either way, you’ll need to understand what type of drive to purchase? Does your application require a non-regenerative drive, which is a basic Quadrant I or Quadrant III drive that controls the motor’s speed and torque in just one direction? Or perhaps you need a Quadrant II or Quadrant IV regenerative DC drive, which can control the speed and direction of the motor’s rotation as well as the torque direction of the motor. Regenerative drives are often preferred for more complex applications because these also enable the motor to work similar to a generator, converting mechanical energy to electrical energy to enhance energy efficiency. |
2. Variable Speed Drives – Benefits
Before you buy DC drives, also learn more about the benefits of a variable speed drive (VSD). These adjust the voltage of the motor in order to vary the speed. Both AC and DC drives can be variable speed drives. VSDs can be adjusted to fit the application so that production is greatly improved. By varying the speed either less than or more than the base speed of the motor, the VSD helps to achieve maximum output for the machinery or equipment without putting unecessary strain on the motor.
3. Horsepower and Torque Requirements
With any application, the DC drive must be the right fit for the horsepower rating and torque requirements of the motor. When replacing a drive on a wound rotor motor, it’s important the the drive match or exceed the motor’s starting torque. Horsepower can be selected based on the torque requirements of the motor and the machine that’s being driven. You might see a horsepower rating of 250, 300, 400 or 500, with various speeds (RPM) of operation. These two factors are used to determine the torque requirement throughout a particular speed range. If you have multiple DC drives to replace or install, the calculations can vary from one to the next. Determining horsepower/torqe requirements is easier with the help of an expert. You can call Carotron directly to speak with an engineer or technician if you need assistance before purchasing DC drives- 1-888-286-8614.
4. DC to AC Drive Conversions
If you’re thinking of converting to an AC drive, there are several considerations. Determine which option will be more cost effective. An older DC motor that still runs well may be upgraded to work more smoothly by simply installing a new DC drive with all the latest features. However, if the motor is beyond repair, you might save time and money for the long haul by converting to an AC motor and AC drive/inverter control system. A new DC drive chassis can often replace the existing one by simply removing the old drive but re-using the existing contactors, fuses, etc. On the other hand, converting everything to an AC motor and drive will require the replacement of the complete control cabinet, re-wiring of the motor, and other conversion needs. We provide a more in-depth article on this subject in the article titled, “Helping Your Customers Decide whether to Keep the DC Drive or Replace with an AC Drive.”
As an end-user of the product, you can buy DC drives from distributors that offer industrial control products. Carotron, for instance, has a number of distributors around the world that carry our DC drives and other products. Elite® Pro Series is our latest DC drive release, but we also offer a variety of other DC drives including Edge Guider, Blazer® IV, Choice® Series, Trooper® IV, etc.
If you’re a distributor, call for more information about our drives, drive accessories, system interface cards and more. Benefits include FREE industrial controls training (sales and technical training) for distributors and end users of our products, our outstanding Carotron warranties, no minimum order limits, friendly customer service, access to many brands through our companion companies, and much more.
Don’t buy DC drives from just any company; Carotron has been serving distributors and customers worldwide since 1984. We can help you determine the right drive solution for your application as well as provide custom service, intallation assistance and more that you won’t find from many manufacturers.

Call now to discuss your DC drive needs: 1-888-286-8614
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